In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to make a fireball shooting system. Before starting, keep in your mind that primarily this guide is supposed to give you concepts that you can utilize in your game. If you are willing to copy everything, then you are likely to face issues and might find it unsuitable for your game. This tutorial requires you to have basic knowledge of roblox scripting. Now let's begin!
Setting Up⚓︎
Making Fireball⚓︎
Add a sphere in the workspace. This sphere will be our fireball. We will name it "Fire_Ball". Set the size of the ball to something that looks good to you. Set the transparency of the ball to 1
. Now, add a Fire object in the ball. In the property window, set the heat to 0 to make it look like an actual fireball, not an object having fired on it.
You can also change the fire color. For this tutorial, I will use purple color and the secondary color pink. And the final result is this:
Setting Objects⚓︎
Place the Fire_Ball in ServerStorage. Add a Script in ServerScriptService, a Local Script in StarterPlayerScripts, and a Remote Event in ReplicatedStorage. Change the name of the remote event to Shooter. Our explorer hierarchy now looks like this:
Scripting Client Side⚓︎
In the local script, we will use UserInputService.
Connect a function to InputBegan
. In the function, check the input type. Get the mouse position and fire it along with the remote event to the server.
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local Shooter_Event = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shooter
local Mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
local Clock = 0
local CoolDown = 1 -- cooldown length
UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, GameProcessed)
if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and not GameProcessed then
if os.clock() > Clock then
Clock = os.clock() + CoolDown
local Mouse_Pos = Mouse.Hit.Position -- getting the position where the mouse is pointing in the 3D world.
Shooter_Event:FireServer(Mouse_Pos) -- firing the remote to the server with the mouse position.
Cooldowns are used to prevent some tasks like damaging from happening too quickly, so they're like cooldowns. Although this method isn't the conventional task.wait() one, it is far more superior and stable. os.clock is based on CPU time, so it provides more stability and accuracy than task.wait(), but it is used for comparing time instead of yielding.
Scripting Server Side⚓︎
On the server, we will connect a function to the remote event. In the function, we will perform the following steps
- Cloning Fireball, setting its position to the position of the player's character.
- Setting Attachment.
- Setting Velocity constraint.
- Setting velocity vector.
local Shooter_Event = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shooter
local Sample_Fireball = game.ServerStorage.FireBall
Shooter_Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Mouse_Pos)
local Character = Player.Character
local Fireball = Sample_Fireball:Clone()
Fireball.CanCollide = false
Fireball.Position = Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
-- creating attachment
local Attachment ="Attachment")
Attachment.Parent = Fireball
-- creating velocity constraint
local Velocity ="LinearVelocity")
Velocity.Attachment0 = Attachment
-- setting the direction of velocity
local Speed = 50 -- the speed of fireball/length of the vector
Velocity.MaxForce = 9e6 -- setting maxforce to 9*10^6
local Directional_Vector = (Mouse_Pos - Fireball.Position).Unit * Speed
Velocity.VectorVelocity = Directional_Vector -- setting velocity
Velocity.Parent = Fireball
Fireball.Parent = workspace
game.Debris:AddItem(Fireball, 3) -- destroying fireball after 3 seconds
Now, you can test it.
Dealing Damage⚓︎
For dealing damage, we will use the Touched
event. As the fireball touches any object, we will check its parent and search for a humanoid. If it succeeds in finding the humanoid, then we are good to deal damage.
local Shooter_Event = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shooter
local Sample_Fireball = game.ServerStorage.FireBall
Shooter_Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Mouse_Pos)
local Character = Player.Character
local Fireball = Sample_Fireball:Clone()
Fireball.CanCollide = false
Fireball.Position = Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
-- creating attachment
local Attachment ="Attachment")
Attachment.Parent = Fireball
-- creating velocity constraint
local Velocity ="LinearVelocity")
Velocity.Attachment0 = Attachment
-- setting the direction of velocity
local Speed = 50 -- the speed of fireball/length of the vector
Velocity.MaxForce = 9e6 -- setting maxforce to 9*10^6
local Directional_Vector = (Mouse_Pos - Fireball.Position).Unit * Speed
Velocity.VectorVelocity = Directional_Vector
Velocity.Parent = Fireball
Fireball.Parent = workspace
if hit.Parent ~= Character and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health -= 15
Exploit Preventation⚓︎
Everything we have done yet looks completely fine, but there is still an issue! An exploiter can easily bypass cooldown and spam the remote event. To avoid this, we need a server-side validation of requests.
We will create a table that will carry record the cooldown of every player. The table will have player names as index/key and duration as the value. We will add the player's name on PlayerAdded
and remove on PlayerRemoving
events of Players
local Shooter_Event = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shooter
local Sample_Fireball = game.ServerStorage.FireBall
local Players_Cooldown = {}
local CoolDown = 1 -- duration of cooldown
-- adding player's name to the table
Players_Cooldown[Player.Name] = 0
-- removing player's name from the table
Players_Cooldown[Player.Name] = nil
Shooter_Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Mouse_Pos)
if os.clock() > Players_Cooldown[Player.Name] then
Players_Cooldown[Player.Name] = os.clock() + CoolDown
local Character = Player.Character
local Fireball = Sample_Fireball:Clone()
Fireball.CanCollide = false
Fireball.Position = Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
-- creating attachment
local Attachment ="Attachment")
Attachment.Parent = Fireball
-- creating velocity constraint
local Velocity ="LinearVelocity")
Velocity.Attachment0 = Attachment
-- setting the direction of velocity
local Speed = 50 -- the speed of fireball/length of the vector
Velocity.MaxForce = 9e6 -- setting maxforce to 9*10^6
local Directional_Vector = (Mouse_Pos - Fireball.Position).Unit * Speed
Velocity.VectorVelocity = Directional_Vector
Velocity.Parent = Fireball
Fireball.Parent = workspace
-- dealing damage
if hit.Parent ~= Character and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health -= 15
Now you can remove the cooldown from the client side if you don't want it.
That's all for now! Hope you enjoyed this tutorial and can use it in your game. Again as I mentioned earlier, do not just copy the whole tutorial. It was designed to giving you some concepts and ideas on how you can make a fireball system. It's your job to utilize these concepts. Thanks for reading!