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Scripting Tools


As the name suggests, tools are the objects with which players can interact. Tools are equipped by the Humanoid of the player's character. Usually, tools are stored in the player's Backpack. When a tool is equipped, it is moved from Backpack to the player's Character. This means parenting a tool to the player's Character forces the character to equip it. However Roblox also offers methods Humanoid:EquipTool() and Humanoid:UnequipTools() for this purpose. Every tool requires a BasePart named Handle as a child of it unless the property Tool.RequiresHandle is set to false.

Creating A Tool⚓︎

Add a part in the workspace. Change its shape and color to whatever you like. Name the part as "Handle". Click the (+) icon next to workspace and add a Tool in it.

Parent the Handle to the Tool.

Now place tool inside StarterPack.

When the game runs, all the tools in StarterPack are replicated to the player's Backpack.

Now, if you run the game, you can see a tool in your inventory.

Setting Grips⚓︎

the grip of a tool can be adjusted by changing the following properties:

However there is an amazing plugin, you can use for adjusting grips

Tool Grip Editor

Scripting Tool⚓︎

As most of the objects, a tool can be fully utilized by scripting it. Insert a LocalScript in the tool.

When a tool is equipped, the event Equipped is fired. Example Code:

    print("Tool got equipped")
  • script is a Roblox global which carries the reference of current Script or LocalScript.
  • Equipped event returns Mouse object. Because it is deprecated, we will not cover it in this guide.

Similarly, Tool.Unequipped is fired. Example Code:

    print("Tool got unequipped")

It is not just limited to equipped and unequipped. Roblox engine also offers Activated and Deactivated which are fired when a player activates (click/tap while the tool is equipped) and deactivates (left mouse button is released) respectively. Example Code:

    print("Tool is being used")

    print("Tool is no longer being used")

These are the only events of tools other than those inherited from instance.



That's pretty much of it. Hope you enjoyed reading it. In case of any mistake, typos, etc. Please report the article. You can also give us reviews here
