Properties are a very key aspect in instances and Roblox programming. A property is an aspect of an Instance which can be changed.
Using Properties⚓︎
Properties are very important and can be used in multiple ways. Here's how to access property and edit a property. Here I'll be changing the properties of a part via script.
local Part = workspace.Part/'Part') -- Example
Part.Name = 'Part' -- We use . to get a property
Part.Parent = workspace
Part.BrickColor ='Really Red')
Common Mistakes Made When Using Properties⚓︎
Lots of new scripters commonly make the mistake of Indirect Changes. An indirect change is where you change the value of a Variable but not the value of your property.
The reason didn't work is because when we want to change something like this we have to access the value directly.
Correct way of doing this
How to use properties outside of scripts⚓︎
Firstly, make sure you have the properties tab enabled. If you don't, click the view tab at the top of roblox studio and click on properties(near the left).
Once that is enabled you can change the properties of anything! Click on the instance you want to change and look at the properties menu. Loads of things are waiting to be changed to your liking.
Changing basic properties⚓︎
For this section, we'll be changing some common properties of a part.
Firstly, we'll change the brickcolor and size properties. This can be easily done by
local part = workspace.Part
--changing brickcolor
part.BrickColor ="Really red")
--changing size
part.Size =,10,10)
Those are just some basic things you can change with properties!
Common properties⚓︎
Here are some common properties that every Instance should have.
GetPropertyChangedSignal is an event to detect whenever a property is changed. I'll be demonstrating a part for this
local Part ='Part')/workspace.Part
print(Part.Name) -- SalzuIsCool,EdenIsBest
Part.Name = 'SalzuIsCool'
Part.Name = 'EdenIsBest'
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